09 August 2008

grilled cupcakes

I wanted to try baking on the grill. It's something I've been talking about to Stephanie for months now.
I finally decided to do it Friday night and invited Kate over to join me.
We didn't bake a whole dozen on the grill in case the experiment was a disaster. The rest of the was batter baked in the conventional oven in the house.
This is what we came up with;

I think they came out pretty good.

Our recipes came from Veganomicon (those cupcakes are not pictured) and Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World


Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

No WAY!!!

j.cro said...

And they tasted so good I gave them all away so I wouldn't eat the entire batch myself.

The next time I bake some I'll save some for you.