01 December 2008

Simply because I like it

March, 2008 - Our dining room - shortly after renovations and before the rug.

I hadn't posted in a while, so I thought I'd toss this one out there.

Here's a photo of the rug that lives under our dining room table. It's the actual color of the trim and we got it at Pottery Barn.

I will try to remember to snap a photo of the actual rug under the actual table soon.



I love it! We have been looking for a dining room table for ever! Where did you find it


I luuuuurve it!!!!!!!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

As well you should (like it, that is). That is one totally fabulous dining table. Show the rug, please!

j.cro said...

Ugh, shoot and post a photo of the table with the rug??? What, do you think I'm some kind of photographer or something?
HAHAHAHHAA - I'll get around to it soon. I'll have to clean up that room a little bit first - it doesn't look nearly as clean and tidy any more.

Whitney said...

gorgeous, love.