29 January 2009

Yourself in six words

Powell's Books, an independent book seller out of Portland, OR, has a link on their site to a contest that asks - "If you had to convey your entire existence in six words, what would you say?"

So? What would you say?


Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Always feeling beaten down by life.

Too depressing? :-) Maybe I need to be more Polly Positive, like:

Eats, loves, doesn't pray...but content.

That's better. ;-)

j.cro said...

I like the second one better - but can well relate to the first...


I entered.
can you guess what I wrote?

j.cro said...

Stephanie - I love to bake cupcakes... wait, did you make cup cakes one word or two?
Tell me, tell me.