04 June 2010

Thanks to everyone for your support

Once again -- Thank you to everyone that participated, sponsored or volunteered at Swim 4 Humanity 2010. All the events were amazing and we raised $45,000 for SurfAid International's humanitarian programs; all this in a very tough economic year! Thank you to all 5 West Coast locations and the East Coast proved to be exceptional and provided much needed support and good will!

Congratulations to:
1st prize: Trip to Indonesia by World Surfari's: Jana Crawford O'Brien (NJ)
2nd prize: Firewire Surfboard: Paul Riehle (SF)
3rd prize: Jay Alders twin fin surfboard by 9:fish: Ashley Marie Salter (NY)

Top fundraising team which raised over $10k: Prize Pending
The Manhattan Makos (NY)
Team Members:
Elliot Ptasnik, Javin Bose, Jane Carpenter, Alessandra Grassi, Maia Hare, Samantha Hare, Holland Rhodd-Lee, Conn Slattery, Hana Song, Marissa Song, Griffin Taylor, & Sophia Taylor

Prizes owed will be sent out the following weeks through the month of June. If you are waiting for a prize, it will be sent to your home through June. Please let me know if you have an address change or do not receive a prize as expected.

Please let your donors/sponsors know that donation receipts will be sent out the month of June as well. Anyone that donated offline will receive a donation receipt/letter. Online donors will also receive a donation receipt over a specified amount since they receive an automatically generated receipt.

Terima Kasih! (Thank you in Bahasa Indonesian)


JP said...

Wait.... this means you won a trip to Indonesia! WOW!!

j.cro said...

Yes ma'am, it does indeed!!!!