31 August 2010

Two finals down, one to go...

I took my Swedish Massage finals today.
100 on my written exam
98 on my practical/hands-on exam

Pretty kick ass, dontcha think?!

Thursday I have my Anatomy & Physiology I final exam.
That one I'm not so confident about. I hope I do as well as I did on my Swedish final.

Please send me good vibes so I can get another A!!

I have to go study now...

29 August 2010

Tooting my own horn

Wednesday, 25 August 2010 -
I surfed in the 2nd Annual Coquina Jam by Jetty on LBI. The contest was held at 68th Street - Brant Beach. The waves were a decent size and it was great to surf with all the talented women.

Here's a shot of me by Alex who works for my friend Ann Coen (who also surfed). The photo is pretty rad even though I didn't surf well at all. Still, it was so much fun and I'm looking forward to redeeming myself at next year's contest.

11 August 2010

Garden State Surfing

Right now I'm supposed to be studying for a big Anatomy & Physiology test I have tomorrow but I'm procrastinating instead. I also realize I haven't posted anything to this blog in about a month.

Here's a little something from an event I went to in late July at the Tuckerton Seaport... New Jersey surf photographers showing off their work at an event called "Singlefins, Boardwalks, And Story Talks: An Evening Of New Jersey Surf History"

Please enjoy two photos I shot. Someday I'll post more from this event and others I've been promising links for - I'll get around to it eventually. Keep checking back...