11 October 2011

Quite possibly the last warm weekend of the season?

Rode around on bikes over the weekend. The weather was spectacular and I hope not the last we'll be seeing this season...

26 September 2011

I always carry a point & shoot around with me but since getting my iPhone, I've been making every effort to snap at least one photo a day. It's kind of sad that I usually have a camera on me and it took getting a new toy to force myself to shoot more. I can only shrug my shoulders and hope the novelty of taking a photo every day doesn't wear off.

20 September 2011

Cooler weather....

...means cookie baking time!

12 September 2011

Co-opting Michael Moore

I'm on Michael Moore's mailing list - he sent this out Sunday...

September 11th, 2011


There is not much more that needs to be said today. We all know how we felt on that day, and we all know what we've lost in this past decade. I said what I had to say about 9/11 seven years ago -- and thanks to some kind stranger who has posted it for free on YouTube, I'd like to share it with you again today.

Let's make the next decade one of peace.

Michael Moore

P.S. I'd also like to share this essay from former NY Times Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Chris Hedges. It is blunt and honest and worthy of reflection.

07 September 2011

Videos from Hurricane Irene

Not the greatest, but then again I work in still images, not moving.

09 - 2011, so far

Photos from September, so far...

08 - 2011

Photos from August 2011

07 - 2011

Photos from July 2011

06 - 2011

Photos from June 2011

05 - 2011

Photos from May 2011

04 - 2011

Photos from April 2011

03 - 2011

Photos from March 2011

02 - 2011

Photos from February 2011


It's nothing too serious, except that I used to be much better at getting photos out of my camera in a timely manner. I just downloaded images from my memory card dating back to January. To say I've been a little negligent in managing my photos is pretty accurate. I'll be posting links and images etc from the last several months over the course of the day.
Please check back for links...

02 September 2011

Dodged a MAJOR bullet

I am eternally grateful to the universe for sparing me & M a total shit storm in regards to Hurricane Irene. We didn't have to evacuate, in our home we never lost power, no big tree limbs fell in the backyard and the basement stayed dry.

Photos and videos of beach shots before and after the storm to follow soon.

Best wishes to all others affected by the storm - may you have a speedy and smooth recovery.

27 July 2011

Raffle Auction - a much better title

*UPDATE* - This whole shebang is being held at Langosta Lounge and NOT moving to Porta National Park like the poster says. Don't forget - festivities begin at 6. Hope to see you there!

My friend Patrick is part of a team who are going to stand-up paddle the 26.5 miles around the island of Manhattan August 12th.

August 3rd there is a fundraising event at Langosta Lounge in Asbury Park. I'm posting this info on my blog in the hopes that you will decide to donate to Patrick and help raise money for a good cause.

Like the flyer says, the auction has some great prizes including a 30-minute massage by me!

Come down and check out the event - have fun while embracing your inner do-gooder with minimal effort! See you there!

20 July 2011

Animal Planet, or something...

For a good part of this summer M and I have been getting up very early... when I say very early, I mean sometimes before six am. We've been riding bicycles, exercising, swimming.

One day a few weeks ago while riding our bikes north on the AP board walk we spied some whales (though I'm not sure what kind). There were at least two, possibly a mama and her baby, breaching and shooting spray. It was pretty awesome. In fact, it was something I'd never seen with my own eyes off our little part of the Atlantic Ocean. In Hawaii and Mexico, yes. But not off our piece of the coast. Of course I clapped and giggled like a little kid.

In the past couple of weeks we've also seen some cool looking fish with black & white stripes. I thought maybe they were Zebra Fish, but I'm not certain since I'm pretty sure they only live in the tropics. The water in NJ has been warm but far from tropical (especially this week when it dropped back into the low sixties).

I saw some kind of ray - sting ray or skate - while I was surfing. It was quite big but not threatening in any way - just kind of hanging out near the bottom swimming around.

And then there were the dolphins swimming not far from us the other morning.

We've also had Salps... They look like fish eggs but they're not. Sometimes it's a little bit gross to swim amongst them b/c it's like swimming in pulpy orange juice but apparently they do good things for the ocean so I've made my peace with the little pieces.

It's been super cool to see all the sea creatures - if only the water in NJ were as clear as where ever these photos were taken. I mean, we can see to the bottom but our water is more greenish in color and definitely never as warm. Still, it's been a good summer so far with one exception... lack of surf. It's really rather sad and I'm ready to ride waves larger than two feet on a board shorter than seven.


Are we screwed?

30 June 2011

July 1st is tomorrow. I can't believe half the year has already gone by...
I wish summer could last forever. Everything seems so much nicer when it's warm and the sun is up from 5am to 9pm.

17 May 2011

"I didn't gay park it."

This is ha-ha AND ironic funny.

02 May 2011

Doing good for my community

I'm on the Environmental Commission in my town. We're trying to build a Maritime Forest where there now is an old, nasty looking lot. One of members birthed and submitted this idea to the Pepsi Refresh Project. Now, I don't drink Pepsi but I'd sure take $25K from them to help get this much-needed project off the ground. Please go vote for us and vote often. It would be an immense help. Thanks so much.

All -

Our Maritime Forest Idea has been accepted for the Pepsi Refresh Project
for 25 K and voting is open. We are currently in 182nd place and need
DAILY votes to get funding. Please vote at


28 April 2011

21 April 2011

Sssshhhhhhhhhhh. Keep it down; you're making quite a racket.

23 March 2011

But I thought it was tomorrow...

Well, today was my last day of school.

I wasn't expecting it to be today... it was supposed to be tomorrow and I wasn't mentally prepared for it to end like this - so abruptly.
After saying "farewell" to my favorite teachers and "see you" to my school friends it felt really strange knowing I wouldn't be going back there again and somewhat anticlimactic. I still have one paper left to write and then I'm really, truly done.
I thought I would be much more excited but I'm chalking my lack of enthusiasm up to the dreary weather we're having today.

I can't believe it's over - Just. Like. That.

I guess I should be shouting, "LOOK OUT WORLD, HERE I COME!!"


28 February 2011

How's this for the front of a business card?

I think this is going to be the image on the front of my new Massage Therapy business cards. I like how it says "Make Contact"... and since that's what you do when you massage a person and I also love surfing I thought it would be a good fit. What do you think?

27 January 2011

Another week, another storm

This is the third week in a row we've had a snow storm.
The fourth storm in five weeks...
If it weren't for living three blocks from the ocean, I'd think we were residing in Vermont not New Jersey.

Yesterday - Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Today - Thursday, 27 January 2011