11 November 2008

and it wasn't just a dream

Our veterans deserve more

We should consider our Veterans at least once every day. Even if it's to merely read a headline about Iraq or Afghanistan and send a thought out their way. Today being Veteran's Day, it kind of reminds me Valentine's Day for the military.

What I mean by this is - once a year on a specific day we are rather expected to show love and affection for a significant other or partner - there is a lot of pressure and should be something done out of free will and generosity on ANY day rather than forced at a specific time.

I kind of consider Veteran's Day in the same manner.

So please send a kind thought out to universe in honor of our Veterans, if only for this one day.

Bob Geiger has more...

10 November 2008

feel good story

I was reading Crooks and Liars this morning and came across this story.
It's about James Brett and his desire to make the world a better place.
He helped start POM354 - Which helps Afghan farmers turn their fields from producing Opium Poppies to Pomegranates.
It's quiet inspiring and I urge you to please check it out.

05 November 2008


04 November 2008

my trip to vote

I voted. I voted. I voted.
I'm usually nervous, seeing how it's a big responsibility - but today I was giddy with excitement and anticipation.
I couldn't WAIT to get to there.
My husband and I got to our polling location some time around 7.30am.
Our district in our town has some of the lowest voter turn outs for any/all elections and I was happy to see that when we got there we were numbers 68 and 69. This is a big deal.
There are times when I get to my polling place at 7.30PM and I'm number 68 or 69 and that is pathetic.
This is an historic election and I hope everyone takes their opportunity to get out there and make themselves heard.
I direct you to my friend Shore House Chic - she hits the nail right on the head.

If you're (still) unsure of your polling place, please click here, here or here.

If you're concerned about voter's rights, please click here, here or here.

If you'd like to volunteer on election day, please click here or here.

03 November 2008

Please don't forget to VOTE!!

Tomorrow, Tuesday 4 November 2008, is Election Day and probably one of the most important elections of our time.
Please make sure you get out and V-O-T-E, vote, vote, vote!
This is one of the few inalienable rights we have in this country and should NOT be squandered.

If you're (still) unsure of your polling place, please click here, here or here.

If you're concerned about voter's rights, please click here, here or here.

If you'd like to volunteer on election day, please click here or here.

Give a read to what seven US authors had to say about the last eight years. Tuesday marks the beginning of the end of our long, national nightmare.