19 March 2009

Alternating between BUSY BUSY BUSY & lazy lazy lazy

So this past weekend when I was going to work on making a post about my trip to see Stephanie, Sadie and Peter, I ended up doing chock a block other things and did not have time.

Work has also not been the ideal place to get this done, since well... I'm at work, doing work.

When I get home from work, I am too lazy to sit at the computer for another couple of hours editing and producing my photos since I just spent the last 8.5 hours of my day at the computer.

Therefore, I direct you to Stephanie's blog where she has a lovely write up, complete with photos, of my recent trip out west.

I will have my own post to follow soon (I hope).

Until then, Happy 1st day of Spring.

1 comment:


ahhhhh sunny and 68 degrees today, not a cloud in the sky.
I hate that we take that for granted here.