24 April 2009

i guess this is really birthday week

When I got home from work the other night I found all this amazing stuff on the kitchen table complete with a beautiful hand-made birthday card from Kate and Christina. It's a whole bunch of Bob's Red Mill gluten-free flours, a bag of dairy, soy and gluten-free chocolate chips and a little piece of paper telling me that the new Babycakes cookbook has been ordered for me. What a birthday it's been!

Photo courtesy of www.babycakesnyc.com

When I went to SF last month, Stephanie had given me an early b-day present of a powdered sugar shaker and patterned templates for when I bake cakes, like my recent favorite, from Karina's Kitchen.

I have the greatest, most thoughtful, most loving group of friends that a girl could ever hope for. Lots & TONS of Happy Friday love to all of them. (And I'm not even drunk!)

Now I'm off to finally write Stephanie that email I've been trying to send all week...

1 comment:

Tini said...

yesy!! we love you! Happy Birthday sweetcheeks!