14 July 2009

I hope I don't get in trouble for this

Sometimes work can be extra cool. Especially when they let me out of the studio...



I'm not sure I'm allowed to use some of these images - I'll take them down if they tell me to... I hope that doesn't happen.

UPDATE: Preemptively I've taken down some of the photos that might land me in hot water... So if you notice the post looks different, that's why. I'd really prefer to stay out of that kind of trouble.


atarigeek said...

well done lady.these are great!

j.cro said...

Thanks sister!!!! You do inspire me. xoxo

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

These pics are just so great! Talk about a good day at the "office." :-)

liz said...

aaah! so cool!

JP said...

These are awesome! I love Coney Island.

j.cro said...

Thanks everyone!!!